No More Mistakes
There is no second thought to the fact that thesis or dissertation writing is a tedious work. Half of the time gets spent over making continuous modifications as suggested by the guide. And it goes on till the penultimate day of submission. Rest of the time gets exhausted in searching literature for the topic, keeping it aligned with the research and
objectives of the topic, data collection and its instrumentation. And in midst of all these, what remains unattended, is the truck loads of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
Get your drafts proofread by our editors and maximize the accuracy and readability of your research paper. We track all the changes and rectifications that we make in your document and provide you the same along with a final edited, revised and reviewed copy.
We offer both editing and proofreading services for PhD thesis, dissertation or journal manuscripts.
Our Services Include

Scientific Editing


Scientific editing is suitable for science or technical writings intended for journal publications. Editing is suitable for candidates who need comprehensive review or their document, corrections in English and suggestions for overall improvement in the document. Proofreading is the most basic service which offers a basic check and correction of document for grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction and tone.