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Our Commitment

At ELK Consulting Malaysia, we are committed to providing the highest quality service to our clients. We understand that there may be times when our services do not meet your expectations. In such instances, we encourage you to reach out to us through our grievance redressal mechanism, so that we can address your concerns promptly and effectively.

  • Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line "Grievance Submission". Include detailed information about your concern.
  • Alternatively you can also fill out our online grievance form available here. Provide detailed information about your concern.

Ensuring Effective Redressal

We usually revert to all emails within one business day. However, in some rare cases, this might be delayed. Once we receive your grievance, we will acknowledge receipt and if necessary we will be providing you with a reference number for your complaint, which you can use for further communication regarding the issue.


ELK Consulting Malaysia is a leading research consulting organisation operating from Malaysia. Since 2009, company has been offering ethical support to research scholars. We are open from 9 AM till 6 PM Malaysian time and are on closed on bank holidays.