Incorporating the Likert scale methodology in the development of more robust research questions

A robust question would be one that is clear, specific, and open-ended, allowing for a variety of possible answers. For instance, what are some possible ways to lessen the carbon footprint of urban transportation? This question is clearly defined acc ..Read More

Utilising digital learning to enhance the quality of research proposals

Suppose you are going to write a book on “meditation”. meditation itself is a vast topic, there are many sub-topics on it such as “different types of meditation” or other topics. Now, you need to choose a specific topic in whi ..Read More

How To Select A Journal For Your Interdisciplinary Research? Some tips for Computer Science, Project Management and Management Research

Remember the time when you and your friends used to do school projects? Each student brought their own expertise and together you came out with an amazing project that mesmerized the whole class. But how we used to mesmerize the whole class and also ..Read More

Using ChatGPT for writing your PhD research work? Associated benefits and issues

Do you know how many writers are afraid of the name ChatGPT? Because they think it can steal their job. But do you also know that many writers are happy because of the rise in AI tools such as ChatGPT? Sounds weird, right ????? In this blog, we will ..Read More