Employing specialised software such as Vivo coding to analyse qualitative data

For example, you have conducted an open-ended survey on customer satisfaction. Now, the people provided different opinions about it which you have gathered and analysed deeply. The ways or methods of gathering or analysing data can be termed qualitat ..Read More

Addressing univariate outliers through the application of advanced data analysis techniques

The advanced data analysis techniques include machine learning, forecasting, graph analysis, pattern matching, simulation, and many more. In this blog, we will address univariate outliers through the application of advanced data analysis techniques. ..Read More

Applying the Pearson correlation coefficient test to evaluate quantitative data sets

Consider that you have gathered 10 people and you are going to measure their height and weight. The numerical data you have gathered is the quantitative data sets. Now, suppose one person’s weight is 50 kg and another person’s weight is 6 ..Read More

Life as a researcher after PhD. How to plan for continuous improvement in your researcher profile after your PhD

If you have enjoyed your life as a researcher then this blog is for you. However, if you have regretted your life as a researcher, then this blog may not help you but, you can comment down below on “how to enjoy your life as a researcher” ..Read More