Incorporating the Likert scale methodology in the development of more robust research questions

A robust question would be one that is clear, specific, and open-ended, allowing for a variety of possible answers. For instance, what are some possible ways to lessen the carbon footprint of urban transportation? This question is clearly defined according to its subject matter which is precise to reduce carbon emissions and urban transportation, and also open-ended so that it permits discussion of a range of potential solutions. Well, this is what a robust question is. In this blog, we will understand the Likert scale methodology a little bit, and then we will know the ways to develop research questions with the help of this. But first, let us know a little more about the robust research question so that we can clearly understand this topic.

A robust research question is one that is well-defined, specific, clear, and answerable. It should also be relevant to the field of study and have the potential to generate meaningful results. Additionally, a robust research question should be able to withstand critical examination and should be testable using appropriate methods. It should also be able to be operationalized in terms of the variables being studied. In summary, a robust research question is one that is clear, specific, relevant, testable, and answerable.

Figure 1: Characteristics of robust research questions

Understanding the Likert scale methodology

The Likert scale is a method of measuring attitudes, opinions, or perceptions. It is a type of psychometric scale that is commonly used in survey research. The scale is named after its developer, Rensis Likert, who first described it in 1932.

A Likert scale survey typically includes a series of statements or questions, each of which is followed by a set of response options, such as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. Participants are asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement or question by selecting the appropriate response option.

The Likert scale is a unidimensional measurement technique, meaning it measures a single construct or concept. It is an ordinal scale since the response options are usually arranged in a specific order. It is widely used in fields such as psychology, marketing, and education, and it is a popular tool for measuring attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions in survey research. It's simple and easy to use, can be administered in various ways (e.g., paper and pencil, online, etc.) and can be used with a wide range of populations.

Figure 2: Characteristics of the Likert scale

Using Likert scale methodology to develop more robust research questions

Figure 3: Example of research questions using the Likert scale

The Likert scale methodology can help to develop robust research questions by providing a clear and measurable way to assess attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions. By using a Likert scale to measure a specific construct or concept, researchers can ensure that their research questions are clear and specific.

A researcher might, for instance, use a Likert scale question like, "I believe that homework is useful for my child's development," with the alternatives "strongly agree," "neutral," "agree," and "strongly disagree," to identify the opinions and perceptions of parents toward student’s homework. This question is clear, specific, and directly relates to the attitudes of parents towards homework.

Additionally, using the Likert scale allows for easy data analysis and interpretation. Responses can be quantified and a mean score can be calculated for each item. This makes it easy to compare the attitudes of different groups of parents or to track changes in attitudes over time.

Furthermore, the Likert scale can be used to create a scale or an index, by summing or averaging the scores of multiple items that are related to the same construct. This can improve the reliability and validity of the research instrument.

In summary, the Likert scale methodology can help to develop robust research questions by providing a clear, specific, and measurable way to assess attitudes, beliefs, or perceptions. It allows researchers to quantify responses and make easy data analysis and interpretation, which ultimately leads to more reliable and valid research findings. We, at ELK consulting, can help you to develop more robust research questions by using the Likert scale methodology. Simply visit our website to contact us and also to know us if you want free blogs like this on different topics, then you can also comment below so that we can provide you with free blogs on your favorite topic.

Category : Research Proposal
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